Grandpa's Page
Julius Wasilewski
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Julian (Julius) Washilezuk was born on July 18, 1883 in Warsaw, Poland.  In 1902, he married Josephine Kozeski.  He studied at and graduated from the University of Warsaw where he learned to speak English. He came to America on the ship "Cincinnati" which arrived at Ellis Island on August 14, 1910.  The ship left from Hamburg, Germany.  He was accompanied on the trip by his wife's brother Anthony. Anthony returned to Poland shortly after that. Julian is listed on Ellis Island papers as Wasilewski and this is the family name that was used after moving to America; however, on his citizenship papers in 1936 his last name is listed as Washilczuk.  Apparently the 2 different names were used interchangably.
When he came to America, he lived to Pennsylvania where he worked for the Pennslyvania Railroad.  (In his homeland, his family had 200 acres of farmland and hired workers to run it).  His wife Josephine and his two young daughters arrived almost a year later on the ship "Kursk" accompanied also by Josephine's brother Anthony. Anthony made a tolal of 3 trips to America that we know of, but his wife and children refused to leave their families and homeland.
Julian and Josephine had four more children (six children altogether): Helena (Helen b. 1906), Kasimira (Mary b. 1908), Stanley (b. 1912), Anthony (b. 1914), Edna (b. 1917), and Mary Ann [Mae] (b. 1919).  At some point in time, the family had moved to 11 Whittier Street, Rahway, NJ.
On May 23, 1936, Julius became a citizen of the United States in Newark, NJ. 
Julius died on July 26, 1961.
Vital Statistics:
Height:  5'2"                                        Hair:  Blonde
Weight: 140 Lbs.                              Eyes: Blue
Grandpa & Grandma in 1928 at their farm in Whitehouse, NJ
Grandpa with Grandma
at Picnic in 1927
Grandpa & Grandma in 1928
at their farm in Whitehouse, NJ